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I'm making progress, I swear! I'm listening to Katy Perry music videos and working on freecodecamp.  The lady next to me at Starbucks has been chatting over the phone kinda loudly but nothing I can do, I'm comfy here for now. Katy Perry's music is so awesome! Progress is a little slow, I think because I'm listening to Katy Perry.  But still making progress.  I wanted to post this cat for a change.  Then I'll get back to it.  I do much better when in a more comfy seat, in a quiet area, with time to spare, and nothing pressing on my mind. I can't believe how great Katy Perry music is!  It's totally awesome!  I should really go to one of her concerts.  Although I don't know about her newer stuff, have only heard (and enjoying) her old songs.  SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!! Thoughts of my ex keep bumping up too.  :-/
Recent posts

Am I cheating?

Still motivated to program! I was too sleepy this morning to get up and work on freecodecamp, but I am excited to keep at it!  I enjoyed my lessons last night and I'm liking learning new things. My idea was to use this blog to track my progress (i.e. keep me in line with making progress) but I really love the idea of posting a cat pic with each post and I'm still very excited about learning programming and changing my career and life, so here's just a happy enthusiastic post with a cute cat excited to learn coding. Here's what I need to do this weekend: Friday after work, eat dinner, and then visit Costco and a dollar store to get items for work - oatmeal packs - granola bars - plastic forks - coffee filters - creamer (Safeway) - fruit (Safeway) - new sponge - dish soap - hand soap - Earl Gray tea - regular notebooks (Staples?) Saturday free day!  Go to a cool place or two and learn to code. Ideas: - Orinda library has great reviews.  I can b

hewwo again

Here's looking at you, Mouse. This my coding practice blog. I have a penchant for blogs.  This one is to track my coding practice and try to keep myself motivated to code. My plan is to work through freecodecamp and learn Javascript that way.  After that, I'd like to learn Ruby, although I haven't looked into how I'll learn that yet. I would like to learn to code for free, or as cheaply as possible.  I've looked into coding bootcamps (and continue to browse them) but I find them expensive and a little bit scary.  Not sure I'm ready to kill myself learning to code.  I'd rather learn at a sensible pace.  Although if I lose my job and go on unemployment, while looking for jobs I hope I would spend a lot of time learning to code. My job is not very secure, and my line of work isn't not the highest paying nor the most challenging.  My job might be ending -- not sure, but the job security is just not there. I think I can get coding and I'm f